
National definition of gifted and talented
National definition of gifted and talented

national definition of gifted and talented

The SCDE has established three dimensions as criteria for placement in the academically gifted program. Identification is a multi-step process, which consists of referral, screening, and assessments. Outstanding talents are present in students from all groups - cultural, economic, and students with disabilities. They require services or activities to develop these talents.

national definition of gifted and talented

These students exhibit high performance abilities in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas, possess leadership qualities and/or excel in specific academic fields. Students with outstanding talent demonstrate the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. The SC definition of gifted and talented is consistent with the National Excellence Report (1995). District guidelines and screening procedures are consistent with the regulations provided by the SC Department of Education (SCDE). Rock Hill Schools strives to meet the educational needs of all students and has established gifted programs that respond to the unique characteristics of gifted students. The instructional environment for gifted and talented learners must encourage and nurture inquiry, flexibility, and critical and creative thinking. Curriculum for gifted and talented learning must be founded on South Carolina academic standards and must allow for both acceleration and enrichment. Gifted and talented students must be taught using a curriculum that is responsive to their individual strengths and learning styles. Gifted and talented students have the right to an appropriate education, one grounded in the recognition of their individual differences and unique learning needs. The mission of Rock Hill Schools' gifted education program is to provide opportunities that promote high achievement, to develop critical thinking, to enhance creativity and innovation in an environment that fosters collaboration, and to encourage civic engagement in a global society. We offer programs and services that match the unique characteristics and needs of high achieving students.


The Gifted & Talente d Program provided by Rock Hill Schools consists of a series of programs to meet the needs of gifted & talented students in grades 3-12.

National definition of gifted and talented